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FRIO Individual Cooler Wallet - Blue

FRIO Individual Insulin Cooler Wallet - Blue

4.8 out of 5 stars from 8 reviews

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Item # 1130INDIVBL

The FRIO Individual Cooler Wallet Blue. No refrigeration or ice needed.
Your Low Price: $23.14

Product Description

The FRIO® Individual Insulin Cooler Wallet (Blue) keeps your insulin cool and safe. It's activated by cold water only - no refrigeration or ice needed!

Available in Blue, Burgundy, and Black colors.

To activate your FRIO wallet, simply immerse it in water for 15 minutes prior to using it. Most diabetic nurses and doctors advise keeping insulin cool to maintain its effectiveness. Your FRIO insulated wallet will keep your insulin cool for a minimum of 45 hours.

Inner Wallet Dimensions: 65mm x 180mm (7" x 2.5" approx)

Effective for carrying:
  • One insulin injection pen
  • 2x 10ml insulin vials (bottles)
  • Keep Insulin cool and safe
  • Activated by cold water only
  • No refrigeration or ice needed
  • Light and compact
  • Reusable


To activate your Frio Wallet, it is simply immersed in cold water for 5-15 minutes (depending upon the size). Crystals contained in the panels of the Wallet then expand into a gel-like substance, and remains in this form for several days. Once sufficiently activated, remove from water and wrap in a towel to absorb excess water. Remove from towel  (your Frío is now dry to the touch) and let your Frío lay on a surface to begin to air dry for a minimum of 20 minutes (longer is possible).  After air-drying, (air-drying is a very important step) the wallet can be placed into the Cambrelle™ cover and your medication inserted.  The crystals contained in the panels of the wallet expand into a gel form, which remains cool for several days relying on the process of evaporation for cooling.

Customer Reviews

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by: on January 16, 2023

I've used one for years. It is most convenient for doing any kind of short or long-distance traveling.

Frio Cooler
by: on November 17, 2022

Works as advertised.

Frio Cooler
by: on August 01, 2022

Helpful cooling bag for small meds while traveling. Convenient.

by: on July 06, 2022

Don't forget to let cooler dry after soaking it in water. The gel will become mushy over the whole product and stay slimy later if it's not allowed to dry a little before putting it in the cover. Once it gets slimy, its hard to get that gone.

Frio cooler
by: on August 11, 2020

I bought this for my Eppie pen after soaking in water. And then trying to put in sleeve it was very tight to squeeze in there. It seems to be keeping it cool I'm out kayaking and bike riding a lot and didn't want pen to spoil. I think it's amazing technology.

So So
by: on June 15, 2019

I dont feel as tho it is as great as its cracked up to be. Day one isn't bad but day 2 never stays cool enough. I will be looking for a different product.

Great cooler, bad labeling
by: on September 04, 2018

Frio instructions are clear that the wallet should be immersed in cool water for an exact number of minutes, dependent upon size. But the wallet itself does not ID the model—mini, extra small, individual, etc. so once the packaging is tossed, the diabetic or family member cannot tell what kind of wallet or what model he owns. Pls label each model.

Great product
by: on December 26, 2017

I have used these for years. They definitely stay cool. There are many times I am out all day and know I will be having dinner out so I can safely take my insulin with me.

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