Does Your Health Plan Offer
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Benefits?
If your employer’s health plan offers Flexible Spending Account (FSA) benefits, buy the diabetic supplies and health products you need before the benefits expire at the end of the year.
Not all "FSA eligible" items may be covered under your particular plan. Please refer to your employer or plan administrator for the exact details of your flexible spending account coverage before using it.
Q. What does the symbol mean?
A. The FSA approved icon refers to products that are most likely eligible for use with Flexible Spending Accounts. Although a wide range of our inventory are marked with this icon, coverage under your particular plan is not guaranteed. The IRS does create the initial guidelines for FSA plans, but your employer ultimately decides which products and services are covered under their plan.
Q. What is a medical Flexible Spending Account?
A. A flexible spending account, or FSA, is one of the best new ways to save and spend when it comes to your medical expenses. An employer offers the FSA plan to their employees, which allows them to deduct a portion of their income, before payroll taxes, to a special account that can be used to cover a variety of medical expenses.
Q. What expenses are covered with an FSA?
A. Expenses that are covered are usually those which a health plan or insurance do not cover, such as deductibles, doctor visit co-pays, or coninsurance. In some flexible spending accounts, other medical expenses beyond health plan coverage, like over-the-counter drugs or dental/vision costs, are covered.
Q. How do I use my FSA benefits?
A. Flexible spending accounts are used by paper claim forms, or by use of a flexible spending account debit card, more frequently known as a Flexcard.
Q. Where can I use a Flexcard?
A. A Flexcard is used in the same fashion as a standard bank-issued debit card, as many of them bear a Visa® or MasterCard® logo on them. However, the merchant selling the product or service must use an Inventory Information Approval System, or IIAS, so that when the items are purchased, the FSA debit card is charged for them. If a non-FSA qualified item is attempted to purchase, then a standard means of payment must be used.
Q. Is ADW Diabetes® an IIAS merchant?
A. Yes, ADW Diabetes® is a verified IIAS merchant. Any products that do not meet the Flexcard spending requirements can be purchased with a major credit card, Paypal, or checks/money orders.
Q. How long does a flexible spending account last?
A. An FSA typically lasts for one year, or until a time when the coverage would end (end of employment, for example). Because of this, it is important to plan ahead for how much should be allocated to the flexible spending account based on medical expense needs.
Please refer to your employer or plan for the exact details of your flexible spending account before using it.