Whether you’ve been drawing your blood for years with a freestyle blood glucose meter or only recently, it’s only natural to think about the process’ effectiveness. After all, you repeatedly pierce your body, wait for the readings, and analyze the results, only to start measuring with the freestyle glucose meter mere hours later.
Well, a recent study suggests that self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) may be a vital for managing diabetes. Specifically, self-monitoring with a freestyle meter may impart the following benefits:
- Utilizing a freestyle blood glucose meter makes blood drawing simpler and more effective
- It’s been found that a freestyle meter assists with scheduling activities, food, and medication
- A freestyle blood glucose meter allows better identification of glucose highs and lows
- The entire FreeStyle Blood Glucose Meter line makes it easier to take and adjust insulin dosages
- Measuring with blood glucose monitors helps with related conditions, like hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
Why Is A FreeStyle Blood Glucose Meter the Best Choice?
A FreeStyle diabetes meter is easy to transport, and sports a variety of features, including: large display screens and multiple reminder alarms for improved scheduling. FreeStyle blood glucose meter products store up to 400 results, with date and time results, in 7-, 14- and 30-day averages. FreeStyle blood glucose meter appreciate that results appear in as little as five seconds. These devices also require the world’s smallest blood sample size, only 0.3 microliters! Unlike other blood glucose monitors, measuring starts only when the proper amount of blood is applied to the freestyle testing strip; you’re then given 60 seconds to add blood. Finally, the FreeStyle blood glucose meter requires NO coding!
Your Online FreeStyle Blood Glucose Meter Source
ADW Diabetes carries a wide array of diabetes management equipment, including the entire FreeStyle blood glucose meter product line. On our website, you’ll find a variety of blood glucose monitors, such as the Freedom Lite and Lite FreeStyle blood glucose meter models. Plus, all of our blood glucose meter products — and everything else — are incredibly low-priced!
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