Effects of Diabetes on Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment

By ADW|2024-07-02T10:24:30-04:00Updated: July 2nd, 2024|Dental Health, Diabetes Management, Health & Wellness|0 Comments
  • Effects of Diabetes on Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment

Navigating orthodontic treatment can be challenging for anyone, but it poses unique complications for individuals with diabetes. Traditional orthodontic treatment that uses archwire can get complicated for people with diabetes. Fortunately, there is an alternative that can tackle this concern: Invisalign.

High blood sugar levels can lead to delayed healing, increased risk of infections, and other oral health issues. In this blog, we explore the effects of diabetes on patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Diabetes Effects During Orthodontic Treatment

Diabetes can have significant effects during orthodontic treatment, impacting both the treatment process and outcomes. Here are some key points to consider when getting an orthodontic treatment during diabetes:

1. Periodontal Disease

Diabetes heightens the risk of gum disease because individuals with diabetes are more prone to infections. Those with periodontal disease encounter specific challenges during orthodontic treatment, as detailed below:

  • The bone loss and inflammation associated with periodontitis can cause teeth to shift into unfavorable positions during treatment, significantly impacting the treatment’s effectiveness.
  • Periodontitis can strain the gums, complicating orthodontic procedures and potentially necessitating an early termination of treatment.

2. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the beginning of periodontal disease. It is characterized by red, swollen, and sensitive gums. This condition causes the gums to bleed easily and can lead to bad breath. The swelling associated with gingivitis brings the capillaries closer to the surface, making the gums more prone to bleeding if traditional braces cause any injury. If left untreated, the swollen gums can interfere with the braces’ brackets.

Since gingivitis is a risk to the gums, diabetic patients are more vulnerable to developing this condition.

3. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the most prevalent oral health issue. It occurs when bacteria in the mouth consume sugars, forming plaque on teeth surfaces. Normally, saliva neutralizes the acid produced by these bacteria. However, in diabetic individuals, elevated saliva and blood glucose levels hinder saliva’s ability to neutralize the acid.

4. Delay in Healing

Diabetic patients are well familiar with their inability to heal quickly due to this health condition. This delay in your healing process can hinder orthodontic treatment.

Diabetes impairs the body’s ability to heal due to compromised blood flow and immune response. Consequently, this can extend the time required for teeth and surrounding tissues to adapt to orthodontic adjustments. For optimal results, orthodontists should meticulously assess the healing process and modify treatment strategies accordingly.

5. Blood Sugar

Managing diabetes is crucial for overall health and especially important during orthodontic treatment. Adjustments in diet, whether due to dietary restrictions or the influence of orthodontic devices, can affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetic patients need to collaborate closely with their orthodontist and healthcare team to develop a comprehensive strategy for maintaining optimal blood sugar control throughout their orthodontic care.

6. Poor Glycemic Control

Orthodontic appliances, especially braces, can lead to discomfort and irritation, complicating diet adherence and blood sugar control for individuals with diabetes. Such challenges may result in fluctuations in blood sugar levels, potentially hindering the body’s healing processes and increasing the likelihood of complications. To ensure proper management of blood sugar levels during orthodontic treatment, it is crucial for the orthodontist to maintain effective communication with the patient’s diabetes care team.

Take Special Care!

As a diabetes patient, you need to take extreme care of your health, especially when undergoing an orthodontic treatment. You need to be extra careful during your orthodontic treatment journey as you may face some issues when managing both your dental health and your overall health during this health condition.

Author Bio:

Emily Taylor found the perfect fit for herself as the Online Marketing Manager at Thurman Orthodontics in Fresno CA as she believes that a great smile does more than just make a person look great – it makes them feel great as well. The power of a smile has always been a mystery to Emily and she loves researching and writing about it. She loves to write about everything to do with a healthy bite and a beautiful smile – whether is it ways to achieve it or the importance of it in the various aspects of life. What brings a big smile on Emily’s face is her family and surfing. She also likes to bake and her children and co-workers call her the cookie fairy!

About the Author: ADW

ADW Diabetes is a diabetic supply mail order company that is dedicated to keeping diabetes management affordable. ADW takes a leading role in offering free diabetic education through Destination Diabetes, an informational component of the ADW website featuring tips and advice from diabetes and nutrition experts, diabetic recipes and more.

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