Pet Diabetes Newsletter

Pet newsletter articles written by Dr. Joi Sutton. Learn how to better manage Fluffy’s diabetes better including the tricks for getting the best and easiest blood glucose result or how to give a more smooth injection of insulin. It isn’t just pet diabetes that Dr. Joi writes about. Discover  newsletters about different techniques to prevent or treat various ailments your pet could inadvertently get. Find out which supplements or vitamins are good for your pets health and which ones are not. Whether you have an older pet or a healthy rambunctious pet, these newsletters feature many tips and tricks for all kinds of pets, not just diabetic ones!

Jun 5, 2014

Ask Dr. Joi – Urine Cultures

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2016-12-29T16:02:45-05:00Updated: June 5th, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Newsletter|4 Comments

“Tell me why my vet wants to run a urine culture when the urinalysis was normal?”

Boy, I’ve gotten this question several times this year! Running urine cultures is part of the “routine” tests your veterinarian will want to test on at least a yearly basis for a diabetic pet. Many internists suggest doing a urine culture […]

May 22, 2014

Therapeutic Lasers Can Combat Arthritis

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2023-09-26T09:34:11-04:00Updated: May 22nd, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Newsletter|5 Comments

When I joined the ADW team in 2011, my charge was to help educate our ADW clients about pet diabetes. I love interactions with our clients, and the emails I receive are a great source of future articles. I love being part of the ADW team and sharing my experiences as a small animal general practitioner […]

May 1, 2014

Got an Itchy Diabetic Dog? Listen Up

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2024-12-23T12:54:54-05:00Updated: May 1st, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|8 Comments

As a veterinarian in South Florida, I can’t tell you how many itchy allergic pets I see every week. I see pets with food allergies, flea allergies and a lot of pets with hay fever (aka atopic dermatitis or atopy). When veterinarians first see a pet with allergic dermatitis we must first figure out if it […]

Apr 24, 2014

Dr. Joi’s Top Pet Tips: Revisited

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2016-12-29T15:58:21-05:00Updated: April 24th, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Newsletter|0 Comments

In the past few weeks I have had great dialogue with dozens of diabetic pet owners with questions about obtaining better overall health for their pets. I met with people that were newly diagnosed and I met with people that have been working towards better diabetes management for years.


Apr 17, 2014

What is that Little Bottle – Glucose Control Solution?

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2024-07-12T20:55:49-04:00Updated: April 17th, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|0 Comments

A blood glucose meter kit is designed to give the user everything needed to begin immediate blood glucose testing. The starter kits have a meter, a lancing device, lancets, test strips, instructions and the little noticed bottle of control solution. Folks usually get the starter kit and are so nervous and excited to check Fluffy’s […]

Apr 10, 2014

Interpreting Glucose Curves

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2016-12-29T15:58:00-05:00Updated: April 10th, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|0 Comments

When I first tell my veterinary clients with diabetic pets that I’m going to show them how to check a blood glucose on their pet (so that they can do so at home), I’d say a good number of them get a “deer in the headlights” look. It’s almost as dramatic as the look a client […]

Apr 3, 2014

Diabetes Remission in Felines

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2016-12-29T15:57:59-05:00Updated: April 3rd, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|0 Comments

As a veterinarian, I can’t help but associate diseases I hear about in humans to similar diseases in pets. The typical layperson does likewise in associating pet diseases to their human counterpart diseases. It’s a sign of intelligence to extrapolate what we already know to an issue new to us, but it can occasionally mislead us. […]

Mar 27, 2014

Insulin Pens – Part 2

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2023-09-26T09:39:41-04:00Updated: March 27th, 2014|Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|1 Comment

Last week we discussed insulin pens in general, and situations that indicate using an insulin pen instead of the old school standard of insulin syringe and vial of insulin. If you’d like, you can go back and read that article.

This week we will discuss specifically the VetPen that should receive approval […]

Mar 20, 2014

Insulin Pens – Part 1

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2023-09-26T09:43:05-04:00Updated: March 20th, 2014|Pet Care, Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|0 Comments

Many, if not all, of the human insulins sold in the United States come in “pen” applicators. These pens are a more discreet way of injecting oneself in a public location without drawing undue attention that a needle and syringe can bring. Humans, especially kids, often don’t want to stick out from the crowd as abnormal […]

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