Type-1 Diabetes

Nov 13, 2014

3 Tips When Taking Insulin

By ADW|2023-09-25T15:36:53-04:00Updated: November 13th, 2014|Diabetes Management, Type 1|0 Comments

People with type 1 diabetes depend on insulin to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Insulin is given in an injection or pump and can help prevent diabetes-related complications when used correctly.


Nov 7, 2014

Blood Tests for People with Type 1 Diabetes

By ADW|2023-09-06T22:11:08-04:00Updated: November 7th, 2014|Diabetes Management, Type 1|0 Comments

It is essential for people with type 1 diabetes to be aware of their blood sugar levels to avoid further complications. Certain blood tests are recommended for people with type 1 diabetes to help them gain greater control over blood sugar spikes. Find out more about these blood tests and what they mean to you.

Oct 24, 2014

Using a CGM Device When You Have Type 1 Diabetes

By ADW|2024-12-23T09:54:16-05:00Updated: October 24th, 2014|Diabetes Management, Type 1|0 Comments

People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin and constantly monitor their blood sugar levels to avoid potentially dangerous fluctuations. A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) detects certain patterns to help your diabetes health care team adjust your self-management. While it does not replace standard blood glucose meters, a CGM can detect blood […]

Sep 29, 2014

Nerve Complications in Type 1 Diabetes – Retinopathy, Nephropathy, Neuropathy and Gastropareisis

By ADW|2017-11-27T11:32:58-05:00Updated: September 29th, 2014|Diabetes Management, Type 1|0 Comments

More than half of people with diabetes have some type of nerve damage. People with type 1 diabetes are more likely to develop nerve complications including retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and gastroparesis. Find out more about these nerve complications and what you can do to try to ward them off.


Sep 19, 2014

What is Brittle Diabetes?

By ADW|2023-09-26T09:04:14-04:00Updated: September 19th, 2014|Diabetes Management, Type 1|0 Comments

Brittle diabetes is a form of type 1 diabetes with unstable blood sugar levels that cause a variety of health problems. While just 1 to 2 percent of people with type 1 diabetes get brittle diabetes, it is considered one of the most dangerous types of diabetes and can lead to a shortened lifespan. Learn more […]

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