Diabetes, Aging and Balance
8 million adults in the United States discuss balance disorders with their health care providers on a yearly basis. Harvard Health reports "90% of hip fractures are due to falls in people who experience balance issues.
8 million adults in the United States discuss balance disorders with their health care providers on a yearly basis. Harvard Health reports "90% of hip fractures are due to falls in people who experience balance issues.
New Year’s healthy resolutions usually start out strong with high expectations of all the things we should be doing to keep ourselves healthy, happy and focused. Try not to start this year off with additional self- induced pressures.
"22% of people with diabetes suffer from gum disease. The risk of gum disease increases with age and out of control blood sugars. 1 in 5 cases of total tooth loss is linked to diabetes".
People who are overweight or obese with a BMI over 25 % are more likely to gain weight during the holiday season than those who had a BMI under 25%". It is known weight gain causes insulin resistance which is already present in people with type 2 diabetes.
We are in the heart of flu season which begins in October and ends somewhere late in the Spring. Outbreak of the flu can be highly unpredictable from season to season which makes it difficult to totally prevent.
The CDC continues to report that "diabetes is the largest and fastest growing chronic disease in the nation". In 2007, the total cost of diabetes was 147 billion a year and increased in 2012 to 245 billion.
Peripheral edema is another name for swelling of the lower legs, ankles and feet. The body may have trouble moving the fluid back up due to gravity, allowing the fluid to escape from the capillaries and ending up in the tissues. Leg swelling increases as we age, since we tend to retain fluid more easily. Besides […]
Since it is October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I have decided to share some information with you that is indirectly related to diabetes. Current research has suggested that there is a connection between cancer and diabetes.
I am often asked "what are the best foods to eat?" by patients when they are initially diagnosed with diabetes. The perception of proper eating upon diagnosis runs the gamut. Many patients are afraid to eat anything that resembles a carbohydrate and end up feeling weak, confused and with a lack of daily concentration.
At ADW Diabetes, we try to keep you informed about issues dealing specifically with diabetes. Often during our sessions, patients go off topic but ask questions tied into their diabetes treatment.