GlucoStories – Inspirational Diabetes Stories
Join the race to put the most stories on the Internet about life, living and winning with diabetes. Show your support for people with diabetes by sharing an inspiring or educational story.
Join the race to put the most stories on the Internet about life, living and winning with diabetes. Show your support for people with diabetes by sharing an inspiring or educational story.
I am a 19-year-old regular teenage girl. I always eat a lot with friends and love to just hang out. One week in December 2009 I noticed I was eating and drinking much more than I normally ever would.
I am Jamie from Michigan. I have been a diabetic as a toddler. Since than I have come a long way. One way of doing that is when I was age 9. I got my 1st pump.
I was diagnosed with type 2 incorrectly for about 4 years. I’m not overweight, 50 years old and had a job that gave me exercise. Had lost about 20 pounds and felt ready to cash in my chips. I couldn’t work for more than 2 hours at a time without resting.
Then I went to a […]
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last year, ten days before my 21st birthday. I had been showing symptoms for about six weeks before I ended up at the hospital. I had just about every symptom in the book.
I would like to tell you all about my wife Jody, she is an amazing woman who has been on insulin do to Type 1 diabetes for over 20 years. Being married to a diabetic WAS a scary thing for me.
A coworker one day told me she had a farm cat who was part Maine Coon and polydactal (an extra toe) who had had an accident resulting in the loss of one leg and an eye and now the barn cats would not let him return to the barn, they picked on him.
I was 12 years old at the time a great soccer player and loved school as much as a 12 year-old would. I started out drinking water way more then normal but we chalked it up to the soccer games and pratice.
I have had diabetes for over 20 years. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. In the beginning when I was diagnosed, I was only taking pill. I just needed to lose weight and exercise more.
Like other people, I had been drinking more liquids and going to the bathroom more, but I didn't think much of it. I also felt tired, very tired, in the afternoons. Since I was in my early 40's, I figured it came from getting older.
I was diagnosed at age 20. Have found many difficulties throughout the years, but have a healthy son, after having a still birth with my first baby, in 1984 because of an ignorant Doctor.