If You Have Diabetes, You Should…
An article in Endocrine Today noted that “American adults are more likely to go without health care than those in other high income industrialized nations. […]
An article in Endocrine Today noted that “American adults are more likely to go without health care than those in other high income industrialized nations. […]
In the past week I have met with dozens of people with diabetes as we work together towards the goal of obtaining better overall health. I met with people that were newly diagnosed and I met with people that have been working towards better diabetes management for years.
Each week I answer many of the same questions asked by my patients. I always like to share them with you since you may have the same ones. Although I am not advocating that you eat or drink these specific foods or supplements, I wanted to share the information I offer to them. Always check with […]
Over 23 million American are affected by diabetes, a disorder where insulin is lacking or the body responds incorrectly to the insulin that is present. A healthy diet and a positive self-management routine are essential for people with diabetes. These simple do’s and don’ts can help you stay on track.
I often counsel patients who have elevated triglycerides in conjunction with their diabetes, and since it is heart month I thought I would share some of that information. Almost 80% of people with diabetes have high triglycerides. It is most commonly seen when blood sugars are out of control. Increased triglycerides thicken the walls of the […]
Although death rates from stroke and heart attacks have dropped in the last decade, for those who have diabetes it is still the leading cause of death, with more than 600,000 deaths a year in the United States. Strokes have decreased from the 3rd leading cause of death to the 4th which is a huge public […]
According to a report released by CNN news 53% of respondents or a majority of U.S. adults opt to indulge in holiday foods to enjoy the season and may decide to address the weight gain in the New Year. Only 23% of those who responded stated they would make a major dietary change after the holidays.”
According to recent research reported from the United Kingdom, over 60% of patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes do not change their lifestyle habits – which should include an improved eating and exercise plan.
Exercise can easily produce positive results to anyone who has a chronic illness including heart disease, lung ailments, joint/back issues and diabetes. It helps each condition in a variety of ways but can specifically impact diabetes by using insulin more efficiently and ultimately lowering blood sugars.
The pressure of enjoying a New Year’s Eve celebration may be too much to handle especially when you have diabetes. You already know that temptation is all around you. Remember that you can have fun and not sabotage your blood glucose control when you have a good plan in place. If you do mess up, it […]