Fitness and Diabetes

May 20, 2015

Vitamin D, Exercise and Falling With Diabetes

By ADW|2017-11-28T16:15:17-05:00Updated: May 20th, 2015|Diabetes Management, Fitness & Diabetes, Health & Wellness|0 Comments

People with diabetes can be susceptible to falls, especially if they experience numbness, or have been diagnosed with neuropathy or certain neurological problems. The latest information discusses the possible benefits of exercise and vitamin D to help prevent falls when you have diabetes. Learn more about how vitamin D and exercise may help people with diabetes […]

Jan 8, 2014

Diabetes: Facts About Exercise

By Roberta Kleinman|2017-10-25T09:51:16-04:00Updated: January 8th, 2014|Fitness & Diabetes, Newsletters|0 Comments

Exercise can easily produce positive results to anyone who has a chronic illness including heart disease, lung ailments, joint/back issues and diabetes. It helps each condition in a variety of ways but can specifically impact diabetes by using insulin more efficiently and ultimately lowering blood sugars.

Oct 23, 2013

Tips For Taking Insulin Without Weight Gain

By Roberta Kleinman|2017-11-28T10:52:00-05:00Updated: October 23rd, 2013|Diabetes Management, Fitness & Diabetes, Newsletters|0 Comments

I have frequently heard from my patients that preventing weight gain when on insulin is nearly impossible. The research in the literature often states the same thing. The reason for weight gain is when you are taking insulin you are no longer losing large amounts of sugar and calories through your urine as when you are […]

Jan 25, 2012

ADW Interviews Fitness Expert and Wellness Coach, Shea Vaughn

By ADW|2016-06-03T14:52:18-04:00Updated: January 25th, 2012|ADW in the News, Fitness & Diabetes|0 Comments

American Diabetes Wholesale recently had the chance to interview fitness expert and wellness coach Shea Vaughn. Vaughn’s new book titled ‘Breakthrough – The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great and Find Total Well-Being’ was written to inspire women to transform their lives into healthier ones. Vaughn has taken her 25 years of experience as […]

Nov 2, 2011

Exercise & Diabetes

By ADW|2014-05-22T15:11:02-04:00Updated: November 2nd, 2011|Fitness & Diabetes|0 Comments

Everyone should be concerned about fitting exercise into their daily routines. If you have diabetes, it is essential to keep moving. A recent study conducted by the University of California showed lifting weights and resistance training is beneficial for people with diabetes.[1] The study found an association between muscle mass and minimizing insulin resistance. A lower […]

Jul 20, 2011

Four Components of Exercise

By Roberta Kleinman|2024-03-06T11:23:06-05:00Updated: July 20th, 2011|Fitness & Diabetes, Health & Wellness, Newsletters|0 Comments

An article presented in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (December 2010 – Vol 42 / Issue 12-2282-2303) states that “before we only assumed exercise would help people with diabetes, now we have multiple high quality studies that confirm it improves blood glucose control, it positively affect lipids, blood pressure, decreases cardiovascular events, decreases mortality […]

Jun 20, 2011

Extend Products for Weight Management

By Marci Sloane|2014-04-16T14:50:39-04:00Updated: June 20th, 2011|Diet & Nutrition, Fitness & Diabetes, Newsletters|0 Comments

Maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging because we tend to omit the foods we enjoy. Human beings do not like being deprived of things and that is why diets are short-term solutions to long-term problems. Extend products allow you to enjoy decadent tastes that you crave, with fewer calories, and that digest slowly so you […]

Mar 16, 2011

Exercise Truths & Myths For People With Diabetes

By Roberta Kleinman|2014-04-29T13:18:28-04:00Updated: March 16th, 2011|Fitness & Diabetes, Newsletters|0 Comments

Exercise is one of the best ways for someone with diabetes to utilize the extra sugar in their blood stream as well as help the liver produce less overall sugar. It can help suppress the appetite, increase hormones that give us a positive outlook, and boost your memory. Exercise will lower your blood sugar and you should be prepared. We were designed to move and thrive when we do. Let’s discuss some common truth and myths concerning exercise.

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