Jun 7, 2018

Can’t I Just Give My Pet a Prescribed Dose of Insulin and Be Done with It?

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2024-12-23T11:04:20-05:00Updated: June 7th, 2018|Pet Care, Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|6 Comments

Many veterinary clients get irritated when veterinarians ask them to run blood glucose curves to assess the insulin dosage for their diabetic pets. When we prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications we don't make clients poke the pet periodically to assess the dosage! Why do we pick on diabetic pet owners?

May 24, 2018

July 4th Can Be Scary For Pets

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2018-06-01T09:22:48-04:00Updated: May 24th, 2018|Pet Care, Pet Newsletter|1 Comment

I’ve always enjoyed the 4th of July. There’s nothing quite like a big firework display. The resounding ka-booms, the glorious colors, the crowds. They are great fun for people, but pets can find them downright scary. There are many ways to help your beloved pet get through the noise and bright lights of the holiday.

Apr 17, 2018

Pet Glucose Curve – Don’t Feel Badly About Poking Fluffy

By Dr . Joi Sutton|2019-05-10T11:55:16-04:00Updated: April 17th, 2018|Pet Care, Pet Diabetes, Pet Newsletter|16 Comments

Two weeks ago I had a client who forced my hand and made me do a blood glucose curve in my clinic. Normally I expect, and strongly encourage, my clients to run their curves at home to avoid the complication of "stress hyperglycemia". This phenomenon is when the liver turns stored glycogen into glucose when a pet is stressed.

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